Benefits of Strategic Parenting

Benefits of Strategic Parenting

In this episode, Dr. RJ describes the most effective style of parenting and that is “strategic parenting.” Although, gentle parenting has gained popularity over the past few years, there are many limitations to that form of parenting. Dr. RJ invites parents who want to learn strategic parenting to schedule a consultation at

In this episode, Dr. RJ describes the most effective style of parenting and that is “strategic parenting.” Although, gentle parenting has gained popularity over the past few years, there are many limitations to that form of parenting. Dr. RJ invites parents who want to learn strategic parenting to schedule a consultation at

High Achieving Teens and Successful Parents

High Achieving Teens and Successful Parents

In this episode, Dr. RJ describes the unique dynamic between high achieving teens and parents that are considered “successful.” This discovery can prevent your child from underachieving after graduation from high school.

In this episode, Dr. RJ describes the unique dynamic between high achieving teens and parents that are considered “successful.” This discovery can prevent your child from underachieving after graduation from high school.


Is Your Teen Manipulating You?

Is Your Teen Manipulating You?

In this episode, Dr. RJ discusses the most common “manipulation” tactics used by teens. They are very effective when parents are afraid to maintain boundaries in the home. Dr. RJ not only shares examples, but he also gives a solution. If you are interested in life coaching for your teenager, schedule a consultation at

In this episode, Dr. RJ discusses the most common “manipulation” tactics used by teens. They are very effective when parents are afraid to maintain boundaries in the home. Dr. RJ not only shares examples, but he also gives a solution. If you are interested in life coaching for your teenager, schedule a consultation at

Punishing Teenagers

Punishing Teenagers

Dr. RJ discusses one of the most asked questions in his life coaching program, and thats how to punish their teenager in a way to get them to change their behavior. In this episode, you will learn when to punish and how to punish. Also, Dr. RJ shares his philosophy that is different than gentle parenting.

Dr. RJ discusses one of the most asked questions in his life coaching program, and thats how to punish their teenager in a way to get them to change their behavior. In this episode, you will learn when to punish and how to punish. Also, Dr. RJ shares his philosophy that is different than gentle parenting.

Mindset Conditioning

Mindset Conditioning

In this episode, Dr. RJ teaches parents about their teens’ mindset and how it contributes to their resistance towards school, chores, and other activities they dislike. Parents will learn why willpower doesn’t work for teenagers. Finally, Dr. RJ shares why it doesn’t require years of therapy to help your teen.

In this episode, Dr. RJ teaches parents about their teens’ mindset and how it contributes to their resistance towards school, chores, and other activities they dislike. Parents will learn why willpower doesn’t work for teenagers. Finally, Dr. RJ shares why it doesn’t require years of therapy to help your teen. In some cases, it only requires five hours. If you are interested in scheduling a consultation to speak with a team member about Dr. RJ’s program, go to If you are interested in your teen attending Dr. RJ’s in-person teen leadership conference in Austin, TX on April 14th, register at