Mindset Conditioning

Mindset Conditioning

In this episode, Dr. RJ teaches parents about their teens’ mindset and how it contributes to their resistance towards school, chores, and other activities they dislike. Parents will learn why willpower doesn’t work for teenagers. Finally, Dr. RJ shares why it doesn’t require years of therapy to help your teen.

In this episode, Dr. RJ teaches parents about their teens’ mindset and how it contributes to their resistance towards school, chores, and other activities they dislike. Parents will learn why willpower doesn’t work for teenagers. Finally, Dr. RJ shares why it doesn’t require years of therapy to help your teen. In some cases, it only requires five hours. If you are interested in scheduling a consultation to speak with a team member about Dr. RJ’s program, go to https://drrjjackson.com/coaching. If you are interested in your teen attending Dr. RJ’s in-person teen leadership conference in Austin, TX on April 14th, register at https://drrjjackson.com/few


Teens Need Lifelines

Teens Need Lifelines

In this episode, Dr. RJ discusses the importance of lifelines. Lifelines are memories of past experiences where a child overcomes. This creates a powerful source of motivation in any given moment. Dr. RJ explains how parents can rob their teenagers of these experiences by giving in to their demands.

In this episode, Dr. RJ discusses the importance of lifelines. Lifelines are memories of past experiences where a child overcomes. This creates a powerful source of motivation in any given moment. Dr. RJ explains how parents can rob their teenagers of these experiences by giving in to their demands. If you are a parent who would like to see a transformation in your child immediately, Dr. RJ wants you to join him in Austin, TX on April 14th. There, he will coach your child to overcome any struggles that are holding them back. You can register at the following link: https://www.drrjjackson.com/few

The Fastest Transformation

The Fastest Transformation

In this episode, Dr. RJ takes you through his journey with life coaching and what he discovered to be the fastest transformation in teenagers. Whether your child struggles with confidence, motivation, social media addiction, procrastination, anger, anxiety, or depression, it is possible for your child to make a massive change in one day.

In this episode, Dr. RJ takes you through his journey with life coaching and what he discovered to be the fastest transformation in teenagers. Whether your child struggles with confidence, motivation, social media addiction, procrastination, anger, anxiety, or depression, it is possible for your child to make a massive change in one day. Dr. RJ is hosting a in-person life coaching experience for teenagers on April 14th in Austin, TX. Tickets are only $49. You may purchase at the following link: https://www.drrjjackson.com/few


The Mistake of a Lifetime

The Mistake of a Lifetime

In this episode, Dr. RJ shares a common mistake parents of teenagers make often. This mistake can hinder a child from maximizing their full potential. If you are interested in learning about Dr. RJ life coaching program for pre-teens, teenagers, and young adults schedule your consultation at https://www.drrjjackson.com/coaching.

In this episode, Dr. RJ shares a common mistake parents of teenagers make often. This mistake can hinder a child from maximizing their full potential. If you are interested in learning about Dr. RJ life coaching program for pre-teens, teenagers, and young adults schedule your consultation at https://www.drrjjackson.com/coaching.


F.E.W. Recap

F.E.W. Recap

In this episode, Dr. RJ shares the biggest takeaway from his leadership event for high school students, held on February 25th in Austin, TX. If you are interested in life coaching, schedule your consultation at https://www.drrjjackson.com.

In this episode, Dr. RJ shares the biggest takeaway from his leadership event for high school students, held on February 25th in Austin, TX. If you are interested in life coaching, schedule your consultation at https://www.drrjjackson.com.